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Wellbeing and Inclusion for New Educational Resources – WINNER

Project coordinator institution: Vaslui County School Inspectorate, Vaslui, Romania

Project main partner institution: Commune di Marsciano, Marsciano, Italy

The challenge of migration is a challenge for European Union. The EU Law of migration recognize the particular interests of children especially in terms of their access to education, school and social wellbeing and health care. It also recognize their right to family life(Directive 34/2004).In this law context and facing the increase of migration phenomenon, there is a tendency to rethink the integration/inclusion models, obliging the EU to look at all problems of a multi-ethnic, multicultural and multi-religious society. This is true and even more important nowadays when professional success and the possibility of finding and keeping a job are closely related to the level of education reached by each individual, especially for migrants who change, sometimes definitively, their country, way of life, social, educational and cultural environment. In this context, the presence of Romanian citizens in Italy has become more and more consolidated over the years. Today, the Romanian community constitutes one fifth of the foreign population in Italy(1.110.848 Romanian residents January 1st 2011).From these, according to the ISTAT statistics,24.4% are living in Umbria Region(24321 persons). On the other side, in Romania there are two phenomena: the children left alone at home, their parents working abroad and the re-migrated children with their families because of the economic crisis. In Romania, more than 80000 children have at least 1 parent working abroad. I n the Vaslui County, in January 2014,1033 children had both parents abroad,2198 one parent and 400 the unique parent left abroad for work. Concerning the remigration, in the school year 2013-2014,140 students came back in Vaslui County schools(especially from Italy and Spain),the number increasing from year to year(65 in 2011-2012 and 84 in 2012-2013).From these, 27,8% have learning difficulties and re-adaptation problems, even if the perception is often positive. Thus, both migrant and re-migrated children and also children with parents working abroad have integration and inclusion needs.

Thus, the project general objective is to improve the level of inclusion of migrant and re-migrated children and families in the chosen country and of lonely children, in order to develop a wellbeing based school and community environment both in RO and IT

Specific objectives:

-to develop a wellbeing-based, inclusive, non-discriminatory environment in min. 8 schools from Vaslui(RO)and Umbria(IT)regions, until august 2016

-to develop a common inclusion strategy involving at least 8 schools,2 NGO,9 municipalities and 2 education institutions from Vaslui(RO) and Umbria(IT)regions until 2016;

-to improve the educational and social environment for min.772 migrant, 140 re-migrated and 200 left alone children until august 2016

-to raise awareness of the importance of the European cooperation between educational systems, civil society responsibles in order to support young people full integration in society, especially those in risk of exclusion(772 migrant,140 re-migrated and 200 left alone children)until august 2016

-to create an European bilateral space of reflection and sharing of experience between all stakeholders involved in the youth counseling and support for integration in their adoption/origin country(IT,RO)until august 2016